This marriage policy applies to all who call upon our church requesting marriage: couples of all gender combinations people previously married or not couples of differing faith traditions church goers or not
We affirm and uphold the belief of the United Church of Canada that sees “each person as a unique, loved creation of God and welcomes all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage. We believe God intends loving relationships to be faithful, responsible, just, healing, and sustaining of the couple and those around them, and that such relationships require preparation and nurture.”
At Burton Ave United Church we believe that marriage is a sacred covenant between God and two people who love each other. We affirm that marriage vows should be made with an intention of permanence. The wedding ceremony at which these vows are made is a celebration and public declaration of this loving covenant and is therefore first and foremost a worship service. It is during this worship service that two individuals make vows to each other, before God, their families and friends, to live in a caring and loving relationship of inclusivity, openness, respect and equality with each other. Our Ministers are licensed to celebrate marriage in the context of a Christian community of faith, therefore we offer a service of Christian worship.
We welcome your desire to make your marriage commitment within the context of the Christian community. We rejoice with you in this important decision in your lives. It is our hope that in preparing for your wedding, you will not only draw closer to God and to one another but also to our community of faith. We offer the following to assist you in the planning for your wedding in our sanctuary or at another location. Our Minister of Word, Sacrament & Pastoral Care, or designate, will normally officiate at marriage services for all couples. If you wish to have another minister officiate or participate, this will be considered and approved by our Church Board. Wedding services for couples not affiliated with Burton Ave United Church is at the discretion of the minister, but generally speaking we try to accommodate most requests.
The minister will use their discretion regarding a couple’s readiness to marry. There are usually 3 appointments required with the minister to talk about your preparedness for this important step in your life and explore any questions or concerns. This will also be a time to discuss the ceremony content.
All weddings will be conducted according to the Burton Ave United Church Wedding Procedures.