Transfers We accept e-transfers directly into the church bank account. You can send them to the treasurer’s e-mail at [email protected]. Please be sure your name and contact info is noted on the e-transfer so that we can send an end of charitable receipt.
PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) We are grateful for those who contribute to the church through the PAR program administered by the national church. PAR is a way to donate that will ensure givings are received without interruption. If you wish to increase or decrease your PAR donation amount at any time, just contact the church office.
Offering Envelopes If you wish to use Church Offering envelopes, click HERE to contact the church office.
Canada Helps BAUC has set up an account with Canada Helps, a not-for-profit that accepts donations on behalf of other non-for-profits. Follow the link HERE to donate through this method.